Environmental Sustainability

Derek Moody is the Committee Chair for the District 5060 Environmental Sustainability Committee.  He is on left in this photo with Morgan Roney. Derek recently spoke to our club about how Rotary International and each individual Rotary Club can be involved in this issue. He provided an interview about this project that we have posted […]

100% Attendance

The Kal Rotary members in this photo were recognized for having 100% attendance last year.  Perfect attendance is achieved by attending our regular weekly meetings and obtaining a make-up for any missed meetings.  A make-up can be obtained by attending a different Rotary Club meeting, being involved in any one of our work programs, attending […]

Rohingya Crisis

Lia Harris, Pediatric and Education Committee Volunteer for MedGlogal, recently spoke to our club about the Rohingya refugee crisis and how MedGlobal is making a difference. You can listen to her description of this at our Facebook site – https://www.facebook.com/kalrotary/videos/403233480308493/ and there is more information about MedGlobal at their website –  www.medglobal.orgLia is on the left […]